Setting up the FRC development environment on ubuntu 16.04

This is a record setting up the FRC development environment for C++/Java for the comp in 2018.

  1. Normally setting up the system, install anything one may need like git/svn/browser… and so on.

  2. Add FRC cmake tool ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wpilib/toolchain-beta, download package list: sudo apt update, download toolchains sudo apt install frc-toolchain.

  3. Download eclipse sudo apt install eclipse.

  4. Download C++ support for eclipse sudo apt install sudo apt install eclipse-cdt* if using bash(default). If using zsh, use sudo apt install eclipse-cdt\*.

  5. Install the IDE/editor wanted. In my case:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make;
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim;
sudo apt update;
sudo apt install ubuntu-make vim;
umake ide eclipse

If umake went wrong(which suppose to in my current version), refer this link to fix a bug of umake

  1. Open eclipse and install the CDT plugin(for cpp development), Lib for FRC, and vim mode.
    help->install new software->add->Enter "" for eclipse oxygen -> select all -> install...
    help->install new software->add->Enter "" for eclipse oxygen -> select all -> install...
    help->install new software->add->Enter "" for eclipse oxygen -> select all -> install...

  2. Install LabView started with downloading the standard linux ISO at the official website of NI.

  3. Unluckily, the official one only support redhat series thus our debian series will not fit. We need to convert those .rpm packages inside the ISO into .deb so we can install and manage them with our native package manager. (Although one can manually unpack and install them, it would be a great pain…)

  4. Start by installing tools: sudo apt install fakeroot alien.

  5. Then extract or mount the file inside the ISO and copy everything in the root dir (inside the i386 folder for 32 bit installations) to a any working directory.

  6. Run fakeroot alien -k --script ./*.rpm after entering the working directory chosen.

  7. Wait till finish, and sudo dpkg -i *.deb. And LabView should be installed.

  8. Now we need to install the FRC Plugin for LabView.

  9. Unfortunately, the current version of FRC Plugin does not support Linux OS…Tooooooooooo bad.

  10. Anyway, download the newest version of the zip file that could be found here; then unpack it into ~/wpilib/simulation. *(If not exist, create one.)

  11. Manually install the files:

    vim sim_ds.desktop frcsim.desktop # Replace "/usr/bin" with "~/.local/bin"
    cd ~/wpilib/simulation/
    ln -s frcsim ~/.local/bin/
    ln -s sim_ds ~/.local/bin/sim_ds
    cp frcsim.desktop sim_ds.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
  12. Build simulation for wpilib: