Rejailbreak Kindle PaperWhite3 After Automatic Upgrade to 5.9.2/5.9.3/5.9.4/5.9.5/5.9.6/5.9.7

(Tested to be working with later versions)
My kindle pw3 seems to be automatically updated from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 and I am unable to run KUAL anymore. To fix this, the following is performed and I am not sure whether any of these steps are necessary.But I did get everything back without losing any data/plugins.

  1. Applied a jailbreak hotfix Update_jailbreak_hotfix_1.14_nomax_install.bin. File found at here. Patched by copying it to the root fs mounted on computer and manually select “update” in menu.

  2. Applied Update_KUALBooklet_v2.7_install.bin and update_kpvbooklet_0.6.6_install.bin. File found at here and here. Patched by copying it to /mrpackages and searching ;log mrpi.

This process is recorded hoping to be helpful. Do notice that your devices may not work just as mine and I will not be responsible for any following consequences happened to your device.
