Unsolved problem list

  1. This works:
     public boolean addtoPlayerList(Player player){
    String name=player.getName();
     if (PlayerNumber>=MaximumPlayer) {return false;}//人数超过则返回错误
    else {
            return true;
          return false;

    This don’t:
    public boolean addtoPlayerList(Player player){
    if (PlayerNumber>=MaximumPlayer) {return false;}//人数超过则返回错误
    else {
            return true;
           return false;


    2016/12/5: As I believed, this is the same problem with the one below.

  2. ~~Bukkit.getPlayer(name) will report a NullPointerException when using. Why?

Let me simple this down to this:
Using Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]) itself as a player instance will give a NullPointerException when using. But when I use

Player player=Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
first and then use the player instance instead, everything works. Why?(I asked a few friends but still unsolved)
==Solved: When I was calling the method, the player was offline so it returns a null pointer. Also, I foget to check it so the error occurs. ==

  1. When I access a text file on my website generated by the pipeline or redirected output of a command or a program, all the \n have to be replaces with
    to keep the form. How to make it more convenient?
    ==Possible solution: use view:sourcecode when browsing==

4.When using any types of audio players in my raspberry pi to play music, I found when I keep playing in a terminal, it will report a “audio device stuck” error and just stop. Even ^C don’t work on it. Why?

5.I am trying to install Ubuntu on the second disk of my computer. But I think the boot priority is locked on my computer so I cannot boot from the second disk as long as I have a system on the first one. I have to go to recovery mode to manually make the computer boot from the second disk.
What should I do…
Possible soluction from @Superboot:
== d0048: Install grub onto the MBR of the first disk, and it will give you a list of OSs to boot at boot time.

d0048: To be more specific, I would boot into your ubuntu install (you said you could from recovery mode), and run: sudo grub-install /dev/sdb. Be sure to check that /dev/sda.==
Looks like my computer locked my start up sequence. I tried to install a lower version bios as the custom service guy. But not working. Also, trying on installing grub on each disk and each partition is not working to. So I ask the service guy again and this time he told me that the booting partition is loaded on the second disk and need to be erased manually. Till now, I don’t feels like worth to do it so I guess I will just press F9 before actually start booting.

==Solved:== Install a software called easyuefi. It couldn’t delete but do successfully disabled the windows loader. Now grub will be entered at first. 2017/2/13

6.The school will shutoff the Internet access after 10:30 pm. But if it’s connected beforehand with Ethernet, it won’t be shut as long as the device keeps connected. But if the device disconnected after 10:30 pm, it cannot connect again.


7.What’s the relationship between android build tool version, android sdk version, android api level, grandle version, grandle plugin version and those version of dependencies.

#####If you have any solution, please comment below or contact me through d0048@china.com.cn#####